CVWD Increases Efficiency while Providing for the Community

The Cucamonga Valley Water District’s (CVWD) water delivery system is made up of pipelines, storage reservoirs, wells and booster pumps. The delivery system is delineated into multiple pressure zones due to the elevation changes throughout the District. The District has 8 major pressure zones to meet the needs of 200,000 people and provide adequate fire protection for the community. Its latest endeavor focuses on increasing energy efficiency with operational improvements of pumping facilities.

The District recently embarked on a booster sequencing project. The goals of this project are to boost, or push, water to higher pressure zones in the most efficient manner, and to minimize leakage of water to lower pressure zones by utilizing pressure regulating valve (PRV) monitoring stations. On January 26, the CVWD Board of Directors approved the purchase of 23 PRV monitoring stations to increase efficiency and improve the reliability of its water system. These devices will monitor system pressure and flow through inter-zone pressure regulating valves thereby minimizing leakage from upper to lower zones while ensuring reliable fire protection.

“We are committed to the stewardship of financial and natural resources,” commented President Randall James Reed. “An efficient water system is a large piece of meeting that commitment. By improving our water and energy efficiency through programs like the booster sequencing project, we ensure a reliable water supply for all customers while reducing operational costs in these areas.”

CVWD’s water system is extremely efficient and flexible. In addition to the recent booster sequencing project, also noteworthy is the District’s ability to adjust its pumping to alleviate pressure off the energy grid during flex alerts, which also reduces vulnerability to power shutoffs.

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