
City of Riverside sues State over cutback amount

California Drought Discussed by Governor Brown

With Governor Jerry Brown’s new mandatory water restrictions to help combat the California drought, many cities and water agencies are not happy about the cutbacks. The City of Riverside, located in the Inland Empire, was no exception. The difference is how the city decided to combat the issue; they are …

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East Bay Municipal Utility District water shaming customers

California Drought Discussed by Governor Brown

East Bay Municipal Utility District has high water wasters throughout their district, who consume more than 900 gallons a day. To help meet their water reduction goals set by Governor Jerry Brown, EBMUD has begun sending warning letters to those water wasters. If the water wasters continue using more than …

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Tech Data Centers Fail to Undergo Water Scrutiny

Tech Center May Get Water Inquiry

For months, the nation has talked about the California drought and how farmers and the agricultural industry are to blame for California’s water shortage. One new – and fairly unheard of – culprit is coming about: the Silicon Valley tech industry. What most people don’t know is that the technology …

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Californians change attitude towards lawns

Californian Water Restrictions and Lawn Browning

As the California drought continues to rear its head, homeowners are beginning to look for more out-of-the-box methods of conserving water. Homeowners are discovering companies, like Greywater Corps, that take drainage water from showers and washing machines and use that to water their existing lawns. The idea of installing these …

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California drought causes activists to protest Nestle

Water Companies Questioned Regarding Drougt

On Wednesday, activists from across the state descended upon two Nestle water-bottling plants – one in Los Angeles and one in Sacramento. Courage Campaign led the protest. According to the organization’s website, “Courage Campaign fights for a more progressive California and country. We are online community powered by more than …

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California drought forces farmers to make water deal

Farmers Respond to California Drought

With the California drought at its peak, a number of farmers in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta are coming together to help solve the water crisis. Because of the uncertainty behind potential water restrictions and cutbacks, these farmers have agreed to give up 25 percent of their yearly water allocation. …

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