
Supreme Court rules against EPA in wetlands case

Supreme Court rules against EPA in wetlands case

Last week the Supreme Court issued their 9-0 ruling in a long-running dispute between Idaho landowners and the Environmental Protection Agency known as Sackett v. EPA. The ruling curtails the EPA’s authority to regulate certain wetlands that qualify as “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act, curbing …

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Cheng named board president for State Water Contractors

Cheng named board president for State Water Contractors

Assistant General Manager Robert Cheng of Coachella Valley Water District has been appointed President of the State Water Contractors (SWC) Board of Directors. SWC advocates sensible, science-based policies related to the State Water Project that result in sustainable and cost-effective management of the SWP for California’s residents, economy and environment. “I …

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State awards $143.7 million in Prop 1 funding

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) awarded $143.7 million in Proposition 1 funding to implement 115 projects that support groundwater recharge, strengthen flood management, increase water conservation and improve water quality through the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) program. Funded projects include: The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District will receive …

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Sweetwater selects eight winners in high school photo contest

Eight local high school students were honored for their award-winning photographs during a recent Sweetwater Authority (Authority) Board Meeting. The winners were selected from a group of 62 students from high schools across the South Bay who submitted 148 entries for the Authority’s High School Photo Contest. “The Board is …

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