Administration awards $40 million for Sacramento River salmon habitat improvements

The Bureau of Reclamation has announced the selection of four funding award recipients to complete salmon habitat improvement projects along the Sacramento River.

The $40 million in restoration projects will enhance and improve spawning and rearing habitat for salmon at approximately 25 different locations across 132 river miles.

Elements of the salmon habitat improvement projects include: gravel and coarse sediment additions, side channel and floodplain restoration and enhancement, woody material and boulder additions and riparian plantings.

“Reclamation is pleased to make these awards and draw on the expertise of our partners to carry out this important restoration work on the Sacramento River,” said Reclamation Regional Director Ernest Conant. “Our water operations along the Sacramento River are closely intertwined with the health of Chinook salmon populations. We are committed to the restoration actions laid out in our current operating plan to help restore, maintain and improve rearing and spawning habitat.”

The projects and award amounts are:

Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District  $9,999,423 Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District, on behalf of the Sacramento River Settlement Contractors, will implement seven habitat restoration activities to help restore, maintain, and improve Sacramento River salmon rearing habitat. The projects include increasing access to rearing habitat and implementing habitat restoration activities.

Reclamation District 108  $9,999,495 Reclamation District 108, on behalf of the Sacramento River Settlement Contractors, will implement seven projects to help restore, maintain, and improve Sacramento River salmon spawning habitat. Project elements include gravel augmentation along the Sacramento River and side channel restoration activities.

River Partners  $9,999,968 River Partners, a non-profit organization, will improve spawning and rearing habitat for salmon at six individual project locations along the Sacramento River. Each project will restore side channels, floodplains and spawning habitats to improve adult spawning and juvenile rearing habitat.

Chico State Enterprises  $9,999,997 Chico State Enterprises, an auxiliary organization of California State University Chico, will restore 47.3 acres of juvenile salmon habitat and 4.3 acres of spawning habitat along the Sacramento River near the Battle Creek confluence.

The projects are being implemented in accordance with the Central Valley Project Improvement Act and the 2019 Biological Opinions for the Coordinated Operation of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project.

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