CVWD partners with Rancho Mirage to offer larger turf rebate

CVWD partners with Rancho Mirage to offer larger turf rebate

Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) has partnered with the City of Rancho Mirage (City) to offer a combined rebate of $6 per square-foot to CVWD customers within the City of Rancho Mirage who convert their turf to water-efficient landscaping.

For projects completed after July 1, the program provides a $3 rebate from the City that will be combined with CVWD’s $3 incentive for projects up to 10,000 square-feet for residential customers and 25,000 square-feet for HOAs and commercial customers. CVWD will handle the entire application process and will pay the rebates in full after approved projects are completed. Projects must be pre-approved before any grass is removed.

The partnership aims to incentivize residents and businesses to participate by cost-sharing the expenses. CVWD’s research shows the cost per square foot for a turf conversion to water-efficient landscaping ranges between $4 and $8 depending on the project size, design and plant palette.

In addition to the $6 rebate, HOAs or commercial projects that are required by the City to have plans signed by a landscape architect may be eligible for an additional rebate from the City to reimburse participants for the cost of the service, up to $6,000.

For more information on program requirements or to apply, visit or call CVWD at 760-398-2651.

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