February’s statewide water savings tops 25 percent with significant drop in use in the South Coast

Hailing the state’s February 25.1 percent drop in water use State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Chair Felicia Marcus praised Californians for their conservation saying, “Even with a banner year for winter precipitation, Californians have continued to practice sensible conservation, with a significant drop in water use in the South Coast. Though our water picture is significantly improved in most of California, we have to maintain our drought memory and shift to planning and action to prepare for the long term. From transitioning to California-friendly landscapes and smart irrigation systems, to reducing leaks and increasing use of recycled water and other measures – we need to keep in motion to face a future with longer and more severe droughts under climate change.”

Californians’ 25.1 February savings more than doubles the same time period in 2016 when the state posted only 11.9 percent in savings in spite of the state-mandated conservation targets that were then in place. Since June 2015, some 2.6 million acre-feet of water has been saved representing enough water to supply more than 13 million people, exceeding a third of the state’s population, for a year. The cumulative statewide savings from June 2015 through February 2017 remains at 22.5 percent, compared with the same months in 2013.

More specific statistics for the state’s water conservation efforts includes the following:

  • California’s water savings for February 2017 was 25.1 percent (85,962 acre feet or 28 billion gallons), an increase from January 2017’s 20.7 percent savings.
  • All but one hydrologic region reported greater water savings in February 2017 than for the same month in 2016. Most notably, the South Coast hydrologic region decreased its water use substantially (saving about 51,208 acre-feet or 16.7 billion gallons). The region contributed almost 60 percent to the statewide water savings in February 2017.
  • Cumulative statewide percent reduction for June 2015 – February 2017 (twenty-one months) is 22.5 percent, which equates to 2,597,681 acre-feet (846.5 billion gallons).
  • Statewide average water use for February 2017 was 57.5 residential gallons per capita per day (R-GPCD), the lowest R-GPCD reported to date (below the 57.9 RGPCD reported for January 2017).

Late last year the SWRCB, along with other state agencies, released a draft plan for meeting drought preparedness goals that reflect California’s diverse climate, landscape and demographic conditions as well as achieving long-term efficient water use.  The plan’s fundamental premise is that efficient water use helps all of California better prepare for longer and more severe droughts caused by climate change.

The “Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life,” plan would make permanent many of the conservation measures that had been temporarily enacted in response to California’s five-plus year drought including the monthly reporting of water use from urban water suppliers. It also includes permanently prohibiting the wasteful practices of hosing off sidewalks and driveways, excessively watering lawns or watering lawns during or within 48 hours after a rain event.

The final version of “Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life” is expected to be released soon. For additional data and specifics of February’s water conservation efforts go to: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/conservation_portal/conservation_reporting.shtml.

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