IEUA workshop provides update on Chino Basin Program

IEUA workshop provides update on Chino Basin Program

Last week Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) hosted a workshop where they provided an update on the Chino Basin Program (CBP) to CBP partners and stakeholders.  During this Workshop, IEUA staff provided an overview of the Program’s next steps and an in-depth look into the many benefits that this Program will bring in offering resource resiliency to the region.

The CBP is a water banking program that will support local resiliency while addressing challenges caused by climate change. Through this program, investments in new infrastructure, such as an Advanced Water Purification Facility (AWPF), will create 15,000 acre-feet (AF) of purified water annually from local recycled water supplies to increase local recycled water use and improve resiliency. The CBP also includes injection wells, new pipeline interconnections, extraction wells, potable water pipelines, and reservoirs to store and withdraw the newly purified water in local groundwater basins.

“California’s drought serves as a prime example of the region’s need to invest in programs that will increase our local water supplies,” stated IEUA Board President Steve Elie. “As we face increased frequency and duration of dry periods, an unreliable snowpack, and a reduction in State Water Project supplies, we must reinforce the need for new infrastructure to treat and store recycled water locally to improve regional water management and resiliency.  With the support of our many partners, the CBP is now becoming a reality and is a solution that will bring our region greater reliability.”

Partners of the program to-date include Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD), Jurupa Community Services District (JCSD), Fontana Water Company (FWC), Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA), Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), California Water Commission (CWC), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the Department of Water Resources (DWR). The CBP Partners recognize the significance of new infrastructure and programs that contribute to improving local sustainability in the region.

“The CBP optimizes recycled water to stay in the basin,” stated CVWD Board President Randall Reed. “As it stands today, CVWD sees that the CBP has become a local water reliability and resiliency program that brings real water supply benefits to CVWD and the region. It’s through collaborative efforts like this that will show what we can face together as we approach these water supply challenges and bring innovative solutions forward to our customers.”

Through the CBP, in addition to the purified water stored in the Chino Basin, investments will be made in production wells and infrastructure. This production infrastructure will enable partners to pump and produce up to 40,000 AF of stored water supplies to offset State Water Project supply reductions over a 25-year term during drought-challenged years. Some water will also be provided to our partner, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California when needed, which will support vulnerable State Water Project Dependent areas and increase local reliability. All CBP water supplies will be exclusively available for local use in the Chino Basin after 25-years.

“We all know that the Chino Basin is a great resource with immense opportunities to enhance water resource reliability; not just for this region, but for all of southern California,” stated JCSD Board President Kenneth McLaughlin.  “IEUA has proved that a strong vision, regional partnerships, good planning documents, CEQA coverage, and State support brings significant external funding opportunities and game changing projects that will make a difference for generations to come.  JCSD is proud to be a regional partner as this project moves forward.”

“IEUA is proud of the value the CBP will bring to the region through this practical solution to California’s water supply challenges,” continued Board President Steve Elie, IEUA.  “We look forward to continuing to work with our partners to create a significant benefit to not just our immediate community, but the Chino Basin region, the State of California and our nation as we all work to ensure that we have the resources to maintain healthy communities.”

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