Inland Empire Utilities Agency’s “Water is Life” Poster Contest Deadline is March 14

Although the deadline for Inland Empire Utilities Agency’s (IEUA) “Water is Life” poster contest is less than a week away there’s still time for kindergarten through grade 12 students in the agency’s service area to develop and submit a poster that depicts the importance of water for the annual contest. Posters should reflect the various uses of water, ways to use water more efficiently or how to effectively conserve water. Posters can feature these water categories as it applies to water use:

  • Inside or outside of the home
  • At school
  • In the environment
  • In agriculture
  • In business and industry
  • In recreation
  • Use of drought tolerant plants, or
  • Use of efficient irrigation systems

Three age/grade categories are available and each category will award first, second and third place honors for the following categories: grades K-5; grades 6-8; and grades 9-12. Some years have also included honorable mentions recognitions. Prizes for the individual winners in each category will receive: first place – $50 book store gift card; second place – $35 book store gift card; and third place – $25 book store gift card.

A partial list of the poster contest rules includes the following:

  • Artwork must be on 12” by 18” white poster board or white drawing paper. Oversized artwork will not be accepted.
  • All submitted artwork must has at least a one-inch white or blank border on all four sides.
  • Posters must be draw horizontally; no vertical poster will be accepted.
  • A very short water message must be included in the artwork but the fewer words written is better. The message does not need to include the contest’s theme words “Water is Life.” Spelling and punctuation must be correct.
  • Artwork that includes bold, brilliant and bright colors are preferred. Art mediums can include one or more of the following materials: chalk, crayons, cut paper or fabric, ink, markers, paints, pastels, pencils and watercolor.
  • All submitted artwork must be original – nothing can be traced, trademarked or copyrighted. Posters ideas cannot be “copycat” work of previously submitted posters or calendars.
  • Most importantly, all artwork must be “truly” the work of a student and realistically reflect the age, grade and developmental skill level of the student submitting the poster. IEUA reserves the right to question or disqualify any submitted artwork.

Additional artwork submission information including the requirement for submission contact information and the parents/guardian signed Student Artwork Rights/Approval Form are available at:

The Thursday, March 14 deadline will end at 5 p.m. All entries must be delivered to or mailed to: Inland Empire Utilities Agency, BLD. A at 6075 Kimball Ave., in Chino. IEUA’s service area includes the cities of Chino, Chino Hills, Fontana, Montclair, Ontario and Upland as well as Cucamonga Valley Water District, Fontana Water Company and Monte Vista Water District.

Upon completion of the contest arrangements can be made to pick-up posters by contacting Andrea Carruthers at IEUA by calling: 909-993-1935 or by emailing Carruthers at: [email protected].

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