June 2017 water conservation data released by State Water Resources Control Board

The State Water Resources Control Board released the statewide water conservation data for the month of June earlier this week which reflects the state’s residents and water districts are still attuned to the need for water conservation. The good news comes in spite of the record-setting precipitation that occurred in Water Year 2016-17 which brought California’s historic five-year drought to an end.

Whereas water conservation statewide was down in year over year comparisons for June 2015 and 2016 the overall savings was 17.4 percent versus the June 2014 savings of just 4.4 percent. June 2015 posted an impressive 27.5 percent and June 2016 was at a savings of 21.6 percent.

Whereas eight of the 10 hydrologic regions’ savings were less than their comparative June 2016 numbers, two hydrologic regions reported greater monthly savings in June 2017 than in June 2016. North Coast Hydrologic Region posted a savings of 14.4 percent this June versus only 8.9 percent in June 2016. Likewise, South Lahontan Hydrologic Region recorded a 24.9 percent savings versus 24.0 percent for the same periods of time. June 2017 hydrologic region savings ranged from 14.4 to 24.9 percent; the statewide average for June 2017 was 17.4 percent.

The average statewide residential gallons per capita per day (R-GPCD) for June 2017 was 110. Average hydrologic region R-GPCDs for June 2017 range from 74 (North Coast Hydrologic Region) to 204.2 (Colorado River Hydrologic Region), with eight hydrologic regions reporting higher use in June 2017 than they did in June 2016.  The North Coast Hydrologic Region 74 R-GPCD in June was below its June 2016 usage of 85.8 R-GPCD; South Lahontan Hydrologic Region water usage dropped June 2016’s use of 145.0 R-GPCD to 136.3 this June. All 10 hydrologic regions had an average R-GPCD in June 2017 lower than the baseline use in June 2013, and in June 2014 when urban water production reporting started.

Since June 2014, the State Water Board has been tracking water conservation for each of the state’s larger urban water suppliers (those with more than 3,000 connections) on a monthly basis. Fifty-six percent of suppliers reporting in June 2017 achieved water savings between 10 and 20 percent savings of 20 to 30 percent was realized by 107 suppliers and 21 suppliers succeeded in saving greater than 30 percent compared to the same month in 2013. Lesser savings – from 0 to 10 percent – was reached by 36 suppliers and three suppliers missed the mark by exceeding 2013’s baseline.

These statistics mark the 37th month that the State Water Board has required water production information from urban water suppliers. Additional information regarding June 2017’s conservation data can be found at:   http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/conservation_portal/docs/2017aug/fs080117_june_conservation.pdf.

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