New regulations for surface water rights holders
New regulations for surface water rights holders

More than 3,700 water right holders delinquent in filing diversion and use reports for 2015

With more than 3,700 water rights holders in the state now delinquent in filing their diversion and use reports for 2015, the State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Water Rights has mailed notifications letters to each of them. The letter indicates that water right holders have 30 days to correct this deficiency.

The annual diversion and use reports are required by the state in order for the State Water Board can accurately analyze water supply conditions to protect senior water right holders and other instream beneficial uses of water. The reports were due to the state no later than July 1, 2016. They must be filed using the State Water Board’s online Reporting and Management System.

The list of delinquent water right holders is diversified and includes not only water agencies but also individuals, trusts, limited liability companies (LLC), natural forests, homeowners’ associations, golf courses and country clubs, a chapter of the Girl Scouts, and even churches. The list of delinquent water right holders can be found at:

Enforcement action can be significant and can include an administrative civil liability with daily fines of $500 per day for each day of delinquency, with the violation period beginning on July 1, 2016. For assistance with the required diversion and use reports you can visit the State Water Boards online filing system “help” webpage at: or by calling the Division of Water Rights, Water Diversion and Use at 916-445-2812 .

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