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San Bernardino Valley MWD invests in stormwater capture in Yucaipa

A desperately needed flood control and recharge project in Yucaipa will soon be a reality.

The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) has said they will be investing $1.8 million in Yucaipa’s Wilson III Basin project, which is primarily for flood control, but will also help capture more stormwater to recharge in the Yucaipa Basin.

“The Valley District Board of Directors is committed to supporting regional efforts to sustain a reliable water supply and healthy watershed into the future,” stated Valley District Board President Paul Kielhold, who represents the Yucaipa area on the Valley District Board. “We have invested in other projects throughout the region that serve similar purposes and I anticipate we will see more opportunities to partner with our retail water providers and cities on these types of projects in the future.”

In exchange for the funding, the City of Yucaipa must recharge 10,300 acre-feet of water.

“We live in a region that rarely gets rain; but when it rains it literally pours and can overwhelm our existing flood control facilities,” stated Valley District General Manager and CEO Heather Dyer. “The City of Yucaipa is building critical facilities that will enable them to control the stormwater and give us the chance to store more of this resource to make it through the long dry periods we are used to. I’m pleased that Valley District can be a part of bringing this project to completion.”

The work is planned in two phases. The recharge basin and channel area, landscape area, a basin pond and are part of Phase II.

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