Shock Top, a subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch, is now partnering with the crowd-funding site Indiegogo to help respond to the California drought. The program, known as Shock the Drought, is a program that will identify, fund and distribute water-saving innovations that could make a real impact on reducing water usage in the state. Every month this year, Shock Top will pick a water-saving invention on Indiegogo and fund the invention.
“We love the State of California. In fact, one out of every four Shock Tops are enjoyed in the state, and we want to help by bringing our innovative thinking and unique brand spirit to rally support and make a positive impact on this very serious issue,” Shock Top vice president Jake Kirsch said in a statement. “Working together, we can Shock the Drought by sharing great ideas, pledging support and funding new inventions, and we’re excited to lead this charge.”
To kick off the campaign, Shock Top has donated $100,000 to Drop-A-Brick 2.0, a modern play on the water-saving tactic of putting a brick in your toilet to reduce the amount of water used when flushing the toilet. This new version of Drop-A-Brick is rubber, which protects the toilet from damage.
It is estimated that 30,000 Drop-A-Bick 2.0s would save 50 gallons of water a week, enough drinking water to sustain almost half a million people for a year.
All of the projects Shock Top will fund will be donated for free to partner organizations to be distributed throughout the state.
To order your free Drop-A-Brick 2.0, click here.