California American Water Offers Inclusion and Diversity Grants

Two California projects receive CALFED Water Use Efficiency grants

Last week the Bureau of Reclamation announced the selection of two California projects to receive $1 million total in CALFED Water Use Efficiency grants for fiscal year 2021. Combined with local cost-share contributions, these projects are expected to implement about $4.7 million in water management improvements during the next two years.

Semitropic Water Storage District and Shafter Wasco Irrigation District will each receive $500,000. The projects are estimated to conserve 1,200 acre-feet per year.

Semitropic Water Storage District $500,000                              

The B230 System Extension Project will connect the B369 System Extension pipeline to Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District’s Leonard Avenue Intertie pipeline. It will also allow for conveyance of surplus Central Valley Project water to Semitropic Water Storage District’s landowners currently dependent on groundwater. The total project cost is $3,484,666 with a federal cost share of $500,000.

Shafter Wasco Irrigation District, $500,000                                

Located near the City of Shafter, construction of the Merced Avenue Recharge Intertie Project will install new pipeline to convey surface water supplies to three farms for groundwater recharge. This new, innovative practice at the three farms will use perforated pipe installed under the root zone, enabling the fields to remain in production while subsurface groundwater recharge occurs. This new intertie will save an average of 1,200 acre-feet of water annually. The total project cost is $1,199,231 with a federal cost share of $500,000.

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