West Basin to give away up to 1,500 free rain barrels this fall

West Basin to give away up to 1,500 free rain barrels this fall

The West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) will host six drive through events throughout its service area to give away approximately 1,500 rain barrels this fall.

“West Basin is thrilled to offer free rain barrels again this year,” said West Basin Board President and Division IV Director Scott Houston. “We were fortunate to receive a significant amount of rain locally last year. This year, West Basin continues to encourage water-saving best practices that help all of us in the long run. Plus, having a rain barrel or any type of rainwater capture feature satisfies criteria for our grass replacement rebate programs. Overall, it’s a win-win for everyone.”

Potential program participants must register at www.westbasin.org/rainbarrels to qualify for up to two free 50 gallon rain barrels valued at approximately $80 each.

The 2023 program kicks off Saturday, September 23, and concludes Saturday, December 2. Locations are:

  • Carson, Saturday, September 23
  • Hawthorne, Saturday, October 7
  • Manhattan Beach, Saturday, October 21
  • Inglewood, Saturday, November 4
  • Malibu, Saturday, November 18
  • Culver City, Saturday, December 2

West Basin’s rain barrel program is part of a District-wide water efficiency program that aims to reduce demand on imported water supplies by making conservation and water-efficient practices a “California Way of Life.” Depending on water year conditions, one rain barrel can save up to 620 gallons of water per year.

For eligibility guidelines and to sign up for the event most convenient for you, please visit www.westbasin.org/rainbarrels today.

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