Water Conservation District Seeks Applicants for Scholarships
Water Conservation District Seeks Applicants for Scholarships

Chino Basin Water Conservation District Seeks Applicants for Scholarships

Chino Basin Water Conservation District (CBWCD) is currently seeking applications from qualified students for college scholarships of up to $5,000. High school and college students, studying full time, living within the district’s boundaries and pursuing a degree related to, or identified with, water are invited to apply for the annual educational grant.

Grant applications must be postmarked no later than April 30, 2016. Potential recipients will be required to submit a resume indicating their accomplishments, educational goals, community service activities, organizational memberships, extra-curricular activities in high school and/or college, any significant awards or honors received along with any past or current employment related to your field. The application must indicate personal financial history and a copy of your current transcript including current course of study.

The application also requests at least two, but not more than three, letters of recommendation no more than one page in length. Students will need to complete a short statement of “what ‘Water Conservation’ means to the student and how the student’s field of study will influence water conservation.”

Applicants must provide valid proof of permanent residency within CBWCD’s boundaries which includes the cities of Montclair, Chino, Ontario, Upland, Rancho Cucamonga and Chino Hills. Grant recipients must be U.S. citizens. Permanent CBWCD employees, directors, and their relatives are not eligible for this scholarship grant program.

Additionally, scholarship grant candidates must demonstrate a commitment to the field of water resources by pursuing a degree related to or identified with water. This includes but is not limited to Agriculture Engineering; Environmental Education; Environmental Engineering; Environmental Science; Horticulture; Landscape Architecture; Landscape Irrigation Science; Planning and/or Public Administration; Political Science; Plant and Soil Sciences; Water and Waste Water Treatment; and Water Resources. Fields of study involving Environmental issues, Agriculture studies, Plant and Soil studies, Horticultural studies, Water studies, and some Engineering fields may also qualify for this grant. Also included would be any other field where the graduate will have an influence in determining public policy at any level of government.

Grant recipients will be required to volunteer twenty hours at CBWCD within the year after receiving the grant award. Future funding of scholarships may be affected if these hours are not completed within the year. The grant will not be based solely on scholastic achievement but also on the applicant’s commitment and motivation to their chosen vocation.  Financial need will similarly be given due consideration.

Applications must be received no later than April 30, 2016.  Mailed applications must be postmarked by April 30. Applications can also be delivered in person at the Chino Basin Water Conservation District office, located at 4594 San Bernardino St., Montclair, during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 am to 5 pm) and will be stamped showing the date and time of delivery.

A group of student finalists will be interviewed by an Education Committee consisting of CBWCD directors and staff, and their recommendations will be considered at the district’s July Board of Director’s meeting. Announcement of the scholarship recipients will be made at the August meeting.

For additional information visit www.cbwcd.org/173/Education-Grant or contact CBWCD Community Programs Manager, Becky Rittenburg, at [email protected] or 909-267-3226

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