District’s long-range planning shows sufficient supply

After a recent public meeting, the board of directors for Helix Water District (HWD) formally adopted their 2020 Urban Water Management Plan, which ensures that they have enough supply to meet existing and future water needs.

For the past three decades, HWD has worked with its wholesaler the San Diego County Water Authority and neighboring water agencies to prepare for water shortages.

“The district’s Urban Water Management Plan shows why and how we have sufficient water supplies through multiple dry years,” said General Manager Carlos V. Lugo. “It highlights our region’s investments in long–term, reliable supplies including conserved Colorado River sources, our locally controlled desalination plant and future water reuse projects. It also includes our water conservation programs and customer efforts that reduce daily water demands and keep our communities using water efficiently.”

The timing of the plan’s submission comes as Governor Newsom has declared droughts in 41 California counties, and other regions are experiencing water cutbacks. Despite reduced local rainfall and runoff, decades of planning means the San Diego region has sufficient supplies for dry years like this one.

Read the district’s 2020 Urban Water Management Plan at hwd.fyi/UWMP

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