Department of Water Resources
Department of Water Resources

Draft California Water Plan Update 2018 Released by DWR

As directed by California Water Code, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) is required to update the California Water Plan every five years. The California Water Plan is the state’s comprehensive strategic plan for sustainably managing and developing water resources.

When last updated in 2013, California was in the midst of a devastating five-year drought. Since then climate change has become more obvious with widespread flooding and historic wildfires. California’s new climate reality means more coordinated and inclusive water management is more important than ever.

Working toward that goal, the DWR released the Public Review Draft of the California Water Plan Update 2018 on Thursday. The draft plan presents a vision for greater collaboration in water management, with a focus on achieving long-term sustainability and improvements to public health, the economy, and the environment.

The 2018 California Water Plan update provides a series of actions to address California’s most critical issues facing water management. Update 2018 outlines cooperation across water management sectors, efficient regulation, a path for new or modernized infrastructure, restored ecosystems as well as a greater return on investment.

DWR is coordinating a two-hour webinar in January to provide an overview of Update 2018 and the public comment process. During the webinar the Water Plan Team will provide an in-depth review of the recently released Public Review Draft of the state’s water plan focusing on its findings, funding scenarios, investment strategy and recommended actions. Participants will be invited to share how Update 2018 relates to their programs, and to identify opportunities for collaboration and partnerships to implement the plan. The team will describe the process for submitting public comments to inform decision makers for the Final Update 2018 and there will be an opportunity for questions and comments.

The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 8 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm (PST). Although this is an online meeting those who prefer to attend in person, accommodations have been made for the Large Conference Room on the 2nd Floor of the Bonderson Bldg. at 901 P St, Sacramento, CA 95814.

To register for the webinar, go to:

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