High E. coli Levels at Lower American River

Recent water quality monitoring shows that certain sites along the lower American River continue to have elevated levels of E. coli bacteria posing a risk to recreational users. Recreational visitors are encouraged to check the latest E. coli levels before heading out to the river by visiting the new online map or following the CA Water Boards on Twitter.

The Central Valley Water Board (Board) is conducting weekly monitoring in the American River and the lower segment of Steelhead Creek. The latest E. coli results for Tiscornia Beach, Discovery Park, Sutter’s Landing Regional Park, and Steelhead Creek are above US EPA’s recommended 2012 Recreational Water Quality Criteria.

E. coli is an indicator bacteria used to identify fecal pollution from human, pet, livestock or
wildlife waste. Most strains of E. coli are harmless, but elevated levels indicate that pathogens
could be present that can sicken swimmers and others who use the river. If you have concerns
regarding your family’s health, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Report suspected
waterborne illnesses to Sacramento County Public Health.

The Board is providing the E. coli data to Sacramento County health officials and parks managers, who are the lead in reviewing the data and posting warnings or restricting access to the waterway as needed to ensure protection of public health. For more information and recommendations on healthy habits for swimming visit http://www.sacparks.net/healthyswimming.

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