Metropolitan Board takes action to combat drought impacts

Metropolitan Board takes action to combat drought impacts

Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors adopted a resolution recognizing the impacts the historic drought and water system limitations have had on the region.  The resolution outlines remedies to address the situation by building infrastructure, increasing local supplies, expanding partnerships, advancing water-use efficiency and planning for the escalating impacts of climate change.

“It is unacceptable that some of our agencies are experiencing a more dire situation today because of constraints in our water system that have been exposed by the current record dry conditions,” said Metropolitan board Chairwoman Gloria D. Gray. “Through this action, our board has made it clear that this problem cannot be ignored. We will be unyielding in our pursuit of solutions and improvements to fix this problem, which will ultimately make all of Southern California stronger and more resilient.”

In response to the record drought, Metropolitan has collaborated with its member agencies to develop and apply extraordinary actions aimed at preserving state project water for the communities that need it most. Investments include emergency drought projects that deliver Colorado River supplies and stored Diamond Valley Lake water further into the district’s service area, along with pursuing water transfers and partnerships to access additional supplies. Metropolitan also accelerated its Pure Water Southern California recycled water project to develop a new supply source for the region.

The adopted resolution calls for specific projects and programs that will offer greater supply reliability for SWP-dependent areas to be brought back to the board by February 2023, along with quarterly reports to the board on the status of emergency drought projects. It also prioritizes capital construction projects, spending plans and board approvals to expedite work on critical and time-sensitive elements that address supply and infrastructure reliability.

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