Orland Sand and Gravel Corporation to Pay $675,000 Penalty for Water Quality Violations

In April 2018 a Glenn County corporation and its owner/operator was subject to a court-approved settlement agreement issued by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. That judgement provided for $175,000 in civil penalties plus an additional $500,000 in suspended penalties if the company or and its owner/operator violated any of its terms.

As of May 22, 2019, the court found that Orland Sand and Gravel Corporation (OSG) of Glenn County and its owner/operator Dale Roy Bogart violated the terms of the April 2018 judgement over impacts to water quality and natural stream beds near the quarry. OSG and Bogart are now responsible for $675,000 for violating the terms of the earlier judgement that includes civil penalties for violations of the federal Clean Water Act, the Water Code, and the Fish and Game Code.

“This failure to comply with applicable laws, as well as our regional board directives resulted in avoidable impacts to water quality and gave this operation an unfair competitive advantage,’’ said Clint Snyder, assistant executive officer for the CVRWQCB. “This operation was aware of their legal obligations, and had they conducted their operations in accordance with those permits, impacts to water quality and the subsequent enforcement actions would have been avoided.”

A 2014 inspection of OSG found multiple violations resulting from the operators unlawfully extracting gravel from Stony Creek, discharging storm water to Stony Creek, and discharging process water to unauthorized settling ponds without required permits. Enforcement actions were filed on behalf of CVRWQCB and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Operators that fail to follow carefully crafted rules outlined in permits, the result is poor water quality, and threats or damage to aquatic organisms and their habitat. The CVRWQCB — along with other state and federal agencies based on the specifics of each violation – are responsible for preserving and enhancing of the quality of California’s water resources.

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