Roya Resources
Roya Resources

Potentially huge California fresh water aquifer identified by Bakersfield firm

Roya Resources LLC, a Bakersfield-based company, has identified a potentially huge California fresh water aquifer. Roya President F. Lynn Blystone recently shared that data suggests fresh water formations at least two miles thick with a potentially huge footprint of several hundred square miles.

Blystone also indicated that the prospect is still in the exploration and intellectual property stage. The property needs further seismic and down hole data as well as property evaluation before moving to the development stage. He shared that development of the land and the aquifer could be a great property asset.

“Our engineer, Joseph Kandle, discovered data in an area presently has only some shallow water wells to support sparse residential and agricultural development. We believe this source would be a great long term asset for a major end user or long term private equity or private party with the financial and legal resources to develop both the surface and the aquifer. Of course smaller parties could obtain control in initial stages,” Blystone said.

Roya Resources is a private firm comprised of highly experienced petroleum technical and administrative individuals. In light of the current flat petroleum industry, the company has branched out into more “lively” sectors including lithium, helium, gold and, now, fresh water sources.

“As the current drought enters its sixth year…far sighted entities seeking a secure, very long term water source to support profitable, staged development will want to consider the prospect,” Blystone said.

Blystone says the size of potential aquifer could conceivably support Palm Springs area type development. He considers it ideal for a stealth acquisition approach.

Roya Resources describes itself as a “one stop shop” from prospect generation, leasing and permitting to drilling, operating and accounting services. Its website can be found at:

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