Reclamation increases release from Friant Dam, Water Authority says its too much
Courtesy Bureau of Reclamation

Reclamation increasing water releases from Friant Dam

The Bureau of Reclamation announced increased releases this week from Friant Dam into the San Joaquin River to control the fill rate of Millerton Lake and make room for forecasted inflow.

Water releases from Friant Dam into the San Joaquin River will increase from about 600 cubic-feet-per-second to 1,600 cfs. Releases to the Madera Canal are expected to increase from about 200 cfs to 1,000 cfs. Friant Dam releases to the San Joaquin River are expected to further increase to at least 4,500 cfs over the next few days.

Weather conditions are forecasted to remain unsettled over the next week. The Bureau warns changes to operations could be made with little to no advance warning. Landowners and recreationists should also be aware of stage changes that that may occur in the San Joaquin River and Millerton Lake.

Reclamation may modify this schedule of flood releases at any time to protect public safety. Interested parties along the San Joaquin River are urged to seek the most updated information on releases and river flows.

For additional information, contact Michael Jackson, South Central California Area Office Manager at 559-262-0300.

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