Western adopts updated drought response actions

Western Municipal Water District’s (Western) Board of Directors adopted an updated retail ordinance and Water Supply Contingency Plan (WSCP) earlier this month and reaffirmed the agency’s Stage 2 – Water Supply Alert status.

“Western serves an area where cyclical droughts are a regional reality, which means customer attention to efficient water use, especially now, coupled with securing local water supplies to diversify our regional portfolio is vital to ensure our communities have a system they can rely on now and into the future,” said General Manager Craig Miller. “After modifying the rate structure to remove the highest priced conservation tier last year, it is important that our drought planning efforts align with the new structure and recognize our customers significant efforts to become more water-efficient—Western’s shortage plan updates do just that.”

At stage 2, customers are asked to voluntarily reduce their water use by 20 percent.

“We know our customers are taking action to use less water. To help customers sustain this momentum, Western offers increased rebates and enhanced water use efficiency programs,” continued Miller. “We continue to encourage our customers to take advantage of these opportunities and reach out to our customer service team if they need additional support.”

The full WSCP can be viewed at wmwd.com/WSCP.

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