Western joins growing list of agencies removing drought restrictions

Western joins growing list of agencies removing drought restrictions

Western Municipal Water District (WMWD) joined a growing list of water agencies in California that has rolled back drought restrictions due to significantly improved water supply conditions across the state.

WMWD moved to Stage 1 of its Water Shortage Contingency Plan and urged customers to continue reducing water use by up to 10 percent. This includes watering landscapes between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. and regularly inspecting irrigation systems for leaks and damaged sprinklers.

“We applaud the efforts of our water-conscious customers who have played a vital role in meeting our goals, safeguarding our water supply for present and future generations, and successfully doing their part during drought,” said Board President Mike Gardner. “Water efficiency has become a fundamental part of Southern California’s culture, regardless of the weather or season.”

In preparation for the next dry period, WMWD is advancing water supply reliability through several efforts, including preparing to purchase excess water available this year and storing it in its local groundwater basins.

“While our agency is doing our part to invest in local supply, it is only one piece of the puzzle,” said General Manager Craig Miller. “To move the needle on a statewide level, Western Water is spearheading an effort to join water interests across California to establish statewide water supply targets while requiring the State, water community, and stakeholders to follow through on comprehensive, long-term water supply solutions that will transform water management in California.”

WMWD supports Senate Bill 366, the California Water for All initiative, which would transform California water management so that instead of managing for scarcity, the State will work toward water supply targets to ensure we have enough water for communities, agriculture, and the environment.

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