Castro to oversee Reclamation's design and construction division

Castro to oversee Reclamation’s design and construction division

Jesse Castro has been selected by the Bureau of Reclamation’s California Great-Basin Region to oversee the Division of Design and Construction. This division is responsible for providing technical engineering, geologic, survey, and mapping support services for the region. The division also serves as the lead for the Regional Dam Safety Program, as well as oversees the Battle Creek Restoration project.

“Jesse brings a wealth of experience to this position; he’s worked in Reclamation since 2003 in multiple positions with Folsom’s Central California Area Office before becoming the Mechanical and Electrical Branch Chief,” said Regional Director, Ernest Conant. “We are looking forward to Jesse’s leadership and expertise in guiding our region through the many complex engineering solutions ahead of us.”

Castro served as Mechanical and Electrical Branch Chief for the last three years. During that time, he also served as Regional Engineer, overseeing support on projects like the Folsom Dam Raise and the Delta-Mendota Canal Intertie Pumping Plant. Prior to coming to the Division of Design and Construction, Castro spent 15 years at the Central California Area Office as a Mechanical Engineer where he worked on a variety of projects including the Folsom Powerplant Unit Rewinds and Runner Replacements, Folsom Auxiliary Spillway, and Folsom Dam Pier and Gate Modifications.

Prior to joining Reclamation, Castro held a position as an engineer for Rubicon Manufacturing.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo.

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