Recycled Water
Recycled Water

Malibu Named “Recycled Water Agency of the Year” for Civic Center Water Treatment Facility

A project supporting local efforts to address California’s drought by reducing the use of high-quality drinking water formerly used to irrigate Malibu’s public spaces and parks has earned the city the 2019 “Recycled Water Agency of the Year” for its Civic Center Water Treatment Facility (CCWTF) from the California chapter of the WateReuse Association. The facility was completed and opened in October 2018.

The $60 million state-of-the-art facility was made possible through the cooperation of Civic Center property owners with assistance from the State Water Board. A community facilities district was formed to fund the design of the CCWFT; an assessment district was formed among Civic Center properties to fund the construction. Additionally, the city of Malibu secured a $9 million grant, a 1% interest State Revolving Fund loan of $24.6 million and a 1.7% interest State Revolving Fund Loan of $26.8 million that helps lower the annual assessments for each property owner.

The new facility has been designed to capture and treat up to 200,000 gallons of wastewater daily and convert the water for irrigation purposes. The treatment plant uses multiple processes including particle filtration, centrifuges, ultra-fine filtration membranes, bio-digestion, and UV light to kill any remaining bacteria and viruses to produce clean, Title 22 recycled water. The plant will improve the quality of life for residents and visitors by replacing outdated septic systems.

To control any bad odors associated with the water treatment, reverse air pressure systems have been installed in all buildings. Air that is drawn out is pushed out through a bed of mulch and wood chips, forming an all-natural, chemical-free filtration process to reduce the impact of any foul smells within the surrounding community. Millions of gallons of clean, recycled water produced at the CCWFT will be used to irrigate popular community gathering areas and public spaces.

The city of Malibu’s CCWFT was recognized by the WateReuse Association in the category of a small community with beneficial water reuse of less than 1,000 acre-feet per year. At full capacity, the treatment facility will save the Malibu community 70 million gallons of much-needed drinking water annually. The WateReuse award was announced at the association’s Annual Conference Awards Luncheon in March.

The WateReuse Association is the nation’s only trade association solely dedicated to advancing funding, laws, policy and public acceptance of recycled water. WateReuse represents a coalition of utilities that recycle water, businesses that support the development of recycled water projects and many consumers of recycled water.

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