CalRecycle awards grant to support co-digestion and renewable gas project
Courtesy Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority

CalRecycle awards grant to support co-digestion and renewable gas project

Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority (VVWRA) received a nearly $4 million grant from CalRecycle for its new co-digestion and renewable gas project. VVWRA says the project will increase the amount of food waste they can treat while also increasing the amount of renewable natural gas (RNG) produced.

The project will include the installation of food waste receiving infrastructure, liquid slurry feedstock storage tanks, and an organics polishing system to expand VVWRA’s co-digestion of food waste. The organics polishing system will help get rid of inorganic material like glass and plastic in the food waste. The feedstock will be delivered via tanker trucks as a pre-processed food waste slurry, polished to remove contaminants, and then co-digested with wastewater sludge.

The project will convert the biogas or methane to RNG and inject it into a Southwest Gas pipeline that runs through VVWRA property. Biosolids will be dewatered and dried, then transported off-site for land application.

The grant funds will be used to help fund engineering and construction, community outreach and education, grant administration, and the purchase of a new organics polishing system, receiving station infrastructure, and feedstock storage tanks.

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