City of Stockton Prepares for Regional Wastewater Control Facility Modifications Project

As the city of Stockton prepares for major modifications to their Regional Wastewater Control Facility (RWCF) they will be seeking comments from community members and agencies regarding the scope and content of the of the project’s environmental impact report (EIR).

A community meeting will be host by the city of Stockton’s Municipal Utilities Department on Monday, Sept. 24, 2018, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Stockton Memorial Civic Auditorium. They will present the proposed project and inform the community about the RWCF Modifications Project. The city is required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to prepare the project’s EIR and members of the community are welcome and encouraged to attend.

The RWCF has a 55-million gallon-per-day advanced treatment capacity located on nearly 700 acres in the southwestern portion of the city, adjacent to the San Joaquin River. The facility collects sewage from many properties within the city, special districts outside the city, and specific areas within San Joaquin County.

Modifications to Stockton’s wastewater facility are necessary to maintain compliance with RWCF’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. The changes within the RWCF will also extend the useful life of existing facilities, implement components of the City’s Capital Improvement and Energy Management Plan (CIEMP) and improve working conditions for the facility’s staff.

The RWCF was originally constructed over 60 years ago. Some processes were reconstructed within the last 20 years but the equipment and infrastructure have become dated. The estimated project cost is $150-$170 million and is in preliminary design stages. Existing RWCF facilities would remain in operation during construction of new and rehabilitated facilities to ensure continual wastewater treatment services.

The proposed RWCF modifications are slated to include demolition of certain treatment process components and structures, rehabilitation and repurposing of some existing elements and buildings, and construction of new treatment process components and edifices. The projected improvements will not add any wastewater treatment capacity at the RWCF beyond the existing 55 million gallons per day during average dry weather flow.

The Stockton Memorial Civic Auditorium located at North Hall, 525 N. Center St. in Stockton is the site for the Sept. 24 meeting. For questions or additional information about this meeting, please contact the Municipal Utilities Department at 209-937-8700 or 866-786-5987or visit

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