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Coalition starts petition supporting California Water Fix

Californians for Water Security, a coalition of residents and a multitude of businesses, was established to put together a comprehensive, multi-year plan to fix California’s aging water system.

The group wants to improve water infrastructure using the latest technology. They want water security and the ability to move and store water while restoring natural habitats.

As part of the coalition’s mission, a new campaign was established to show support for Governor Jerry Brown’s California Water Fix policy. Californians for Water Security have started a petition for supporters to sign stating they support Governor Brown’s water policy, which will ultimately be delivered to the Department of Water Resources.

The letter reads:


 cc: Governor Jerry Brown

 Subject:   Support Alternative 4A – the California Water Fix

 California Department of Water Resources:

 I am writing to express my strong support for the California Water Fix (Alternative 4A). It represents a thoroughly vetted, viable plan to fix California’s aging water distribution system that supplies water to 25 million Californians and 3 million acres of farmland, while also protecting the natural environment in the Delta. 

 We urge the Department of Water Resources and the Administration to move forward to bring the California Water Fix to fruition as quickly as possible. 

 Our state’s aging system of aging dirt levees, aqueducts and pipes that brings water from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to 2/3 of the State is outdated and at risk of collapse in the event of a major earthquake or flood.  We must update this aging system to protect water supplies for our state.

 The California Water Fix (Alternative 4A) is the culmination of nearly a decade of extensive expert review, planning and scientific and environmental analysis by the state’s leading water experts, engineers and conservationists, and unprecedented public comment and participation. It reflects significant changes and improvements to the plan to address comments from the state and federal governments and other stakeholders. 

 The California Water Fix will replace aging dirt levees with a modern, secure water pipeline; upgrade the water distribution system to protect water supplies from earthquakes and natural disasters; and restore more natural river flows to protect fish and wildlife. 

 Getting to this point has been a long and thorough process. The time to act and move forward is now to protect California’s water security. 

 For these reasons, I support the California Water Fix. 

According to the coalition’s website, “inaction is not an option.”

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