East Park Reservoir to temporarily close for dam maintenance

The Bureau of Reclamation’s East Park Reservoir and surrounding parklands will temporarily close on August 20 for dam inspection and maintenance. Work on the 111-year-old dam is scheduled when the reservoir level is lowest due to drought conditions and the infrastructure is more accessible.

East Park Dam and Reservoir are located in Colusa County, about 33 miles southwest of the town of Orland. Completed in 1910, the 139-feet-high dam and reservoir are part of the Orland Project, Reclamation’s oldest and smallest water delivery project constructed in California. East Park Dam is owned by Reclamation and operated and maintained by the Orland Unit Water Users Association. Colusa County manages the reservoir and 1,600 acres of adjacent parklands.

Although repairs on the dam infrastructure have occurred during the 100 years the East Park Dam has been operational, the regulating gate on the dam broke in 2020. Reclamation will replace this gate and attend to other maintenance needs that were identified in past inspections. The reservoir and park will reopen at the discretion of Colusa County; most likely next spring as the park is closed during the winter months.

Visit https://www.usbr.gov/mp/ncao/eastparkdam.html for more information or contact Laurie Larson at 530-247-8607 or [email protected].

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