Governor Brown’s water budget proposal comes under fire
Governor Brown’s water budget proposal comes under fire

High speed rail funds to water projects sees major opposition

A group had proposed moving funds from the High Speed Rail project to fund water infrastructure. The ballot initiative is currently undergoing signature gathering in order to qualify for the November ballot.

Opponents of the initiative, many of whom are in favor of the High Speed Rail Project, believe that the initiative, if approved by voters, would disrupt the Water Board Commission’s allocating of funds. They believe the initiative would have a direct impact on Central Valley infrastructure projects that are currently in the works, like Temperance Flat on the San Joaquin River.

Proponents of the initiative say the High Speed Rail Project is controversial. Those in more populous areas will reap the benefits. With the funding being used for water infrastructure, everyone benefits.

In order for the initiative to qualify, volunteers have to collect 585,407 signatures by the end of July.

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