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IEUA breaks ground on Exploratory Boring and Monitoring Well Project

The Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) broke ground earlier this month on its Exploratory Boring and Monitoring Well Project. Local dignitaries from IEUA, Chino Basin Watermaster, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the State Water Resources Control Board, and other program partners took part in a ceremony at one of the three project sites in Rancho Cucamonga to celebrate the start of the project.

“This project underscores our proactive stance in facing the challenges of water management. California’s shifting weather patterns and cyclical droughts make the outlook uncertain for water supply. By better understanding our aquifer’s properties, we can tailor our water supply strategies to ensure long-term sustainability and reliability,” said Marco Tule, IEUA Board President. “As a regional leader, IEUA continues to work proactively on solutions that can keep pace with our growing service area and to support our communities’ health and well-being.”

The Exploratory Boring and Monitoring Well Project involves strategic drilling at three sites to collect essential data on groundwater levels, quality, and trends. The wells will be used to gather soil data, depth-specific water samples, and measurements of aquifer properties such as permeability. By employing state-of-the-art boring techniques and monitoring systems, the data will effectively inform sustainable water management, compliance, and resource management practices for Chino Basin aquifers.

“The Chino Basin is one of the largest groundwater basins in Southern California and is one of the most important resources the region relies on for economic development,” said Edgar Tellez-Foster, Water Resources Director, Chino Basin Watermaster. “This project is key to tapping into the potential of the Chino Basin, taking a deeper look into the reliability and storage potential for the region’s water supplies.”

This Exploratory Boring and Monitoring Wells project is part of the larger series of projects known as the Chino Basin Program, a first-of-its-kind water initiative that moves beyond traditional water management practices to achieve new levels of water security, flexibility, and affordability. The Chino Basin Program consists of a series of projects that will shape and protect the future of water for the Inland Empire region.

For more information about the Chino Basin Program, visit chinobasinprogram.org.

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