Nestle to help diversify water supply
Nestle to help diversify water supply

Nestle to help diversify water supply

To help diversify water supplies in the Inland Empire, Nestle has partnered with the Cucamonga Valley Water District to build a groundwater treatment project. The $4.7 million project will receive $1 million from Nestle over the next eight years. The water agency is responsible for managing, constructing and operating the project.

An existing well in the agency’s service area will be used for the project, which is expected to produce an additional 237 million gallons of drinking water per year.

“The purpose of this treatment project is to add reliability to this well-production field so that we do not have to shut it down when water quality in the wells degrades,” Jo Lynne Russo-Pereyra, assistant general manager for the district, told the San Bernardino Sun. “So in essence, the project would make the 7,400 acre feet more reliable. “For example, there have been times in the past, like in the summer, when we need this production but we can’t use it because of poor water quality.”

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