Palmdale moves forward with solar expansion, decommission of wind turbine

Palmdale moves forward with solar expansion, decommission of wind turbine

The Palmdale Water District (PWD) Board of Directors voted Monday to move forward with two solar projects to power large portions of the District, potentially saving up to $16.5 million in energy costs over the next 25 years.

One project would power six well sites and the District office on Avenue Q and 20th Street East.  The second project would supply up to 100% of the energy needed by the Leslie O. Carter Water Treatment Plant, in addition to boosters at a nearby tank.

PWD’s solar plan for the treatment plant would require the decommissioning of the nearly 20-year-old wind turbine.

“We have been very fortunate to have had the wind turbine provide power all these years,” said General Manager Dennis D. LaMoreaux.  “It’s a good time to retire it because finding parts and qualified technicians for repairs have been very difficult.  The turbine has definitely done its job for the District.”

The plan is to install 2,500 to 4,000 panels on about two acres of land at each location, which would provide 2 to 5 megawatts.

According to Ly, there are no out-of-pocket costs for the projects.  PWD will only be paying for the agreed amount per kilowatt hour.  The contract with DSD also provides funding reserves to pay for various fees and possibly construction costs for the turbine removal.

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