Placer County Water Agency to increase storage at Hell Hole Reservoir

Placer County Water Agency to increase storage at Hell Hole Reservoir

Earlier this month, the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) Board of Directors approved a $5.8 million contract for the Hell Hole seasonal storage increase project, adding to the capacity of the Hell Hole Reservoir so it can store more water during wet periods.

“This is a crucial and timely adaptation of local resources for Placer County residents, in the near and long-term future,” said PCWA Board Chair Robert Dugan. “By increasing the size of an existing reservoir, more water during wet winters can be saved for summer use without the cost of building a new reservoir.

The project will include the installation of 18 pneumatically controlled crest gates to allow the control of potential flow as well as increasing the elevation of the weir by 3 feet to 4,633 feet. Storage at Hell Hole Reservoir will increase by approximately 7,600 acre-feet, enough water to supply more than 10,000 households in Placer County.

The project is expected to take two years and cost just over $10 million, funded by energy sales from the Middle Fork Project hydroelectric power generation.

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One comment

  1. Quit developing placer county you idiots. Our BOS ARE A BUNCH of greedy asswipes and should be impeached. There is no water shortage,just a brain shortage.

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