Plan to Raise Shasta Dam Finalized by Trump Administration

The Trump Administration has released the Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to increase water storage capacity in the Shasta Lake reservoir by 634,000 acre-feet, or more than 200 billion gallons.

“President Trump has made investing in our existing infrastructure a top priority. Raising Shasta Dam is one of the smartest and most cost-effective opportunities we have before us,” said Commissioner Brenda Burman. “Shasta Dam sits at the head of California’s largest water system—the Central Valley Project. Not only will the project benefit farms, communities and the environment, it will provide ample opportunities for smarter water management.”

Shasta Dam is a keystone of the Bureau of Reclamation’s Central Valley Project, which extends over 400 miles through California’s Central Valley providing water for more than three million acres of farmland, nearly six million people, and critical fish and wildlife species. Reliable water is critical to the economic progress of the region – and our nation – as more than 40 % of the country’s fruits, nuts and vegetables are grown in the Central Valley, largely using water from the CVP and its largest reservoir—Shasta Lake.

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