California Drought Water Reclamation Program
California Drought Water Reclamation Program

Reclamation proposes project to build Sutter National Wildlife Refuge Lift Station

Along with partners Ducks Unlimited and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is proposing to construct the Sutter National Wildlife Refuge Lift Station Project. Reclamation has released the Environmental Assessment/Initial Study (EA/IS) for the project.

The proposed project consists of six primary elements on lands owned by the USFWS and the state of California:

  • Construction of a lift station with four vertical-turbine pumps located approximately 200 feet upstream of California Department of Water Resources’ Weir No. 2 structure and on the west side of the East Borrow Ditch
  • Installation of approximately 700 feet of 54-inch diameter buried pipeline from the proposed pump station to a new concrete distribution box
  • Construction of a new concrete distribution box connected to the new buried pipeline and existing internal refuge water conveyance facilities
  • Installation of two cylindrical fish screens fitted to the new pump station intake
  • Improving internal maintenance roads
  • Installing infrastructure to supply power to the pump station

Construction of the proposed Sutter National Wildlife Refuge Lift Station Project would further the Refuge Water Supply Program goals and objectives by improving the refuge’s water availability. The lift station would allow the maximum Level 4 refuge water supplies to be delivered to the refuge. However, plans call for the lift station to be versatile enough to efficiently handle a wide range of flow rates to satisfy diverse wildlife habitat management goals.

Reclamation is the lead agency for the federal government for the proposed project. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife for the state. The two agencies are the leads on behalf of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), respectively.

For questions on the project or to request a copy of the document, please contact Shelly Hatleberg by email or at 916-978-5050 (TY 800-877-8339). Comments are due by Aug. 13, 2018 to Hatleberg at [email protected]. The draft EA/IS for Sutter National Wildlife Refuge Lift Station Project is available at:

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