Tuolumne Utilities District breaks ground on wastewater treatment facility

Work begins on La Sierra Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well Project

Carmichael Water District (CWD) held a groundbreaking ceremony on Monday to celebrate the construction of the new La Sierra Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Project.

With the need for reliable short term and resilient long-term water supplies, CWD was compelled to add additional groundwater to its water supply portfolio. Utilizing advanced ASR capabilities, the La Sierra ASR Well will enhance the District’s conjunctive use capabilities to better manage both surface water and groundwater supplies for increased water reliability and environmental sustainability.

U.S. House Representative Ami Bera, M.D. (D-CA) joined the groundbreaking event highlighting the critical need for partnerships in water management and drought resilience projects. Speaking directly to Reclamation, DWR, and CWD’s collaborative approach, Representative Bera stated that the project demonstrates “great coordination between the State Government, Federal Government, and local Water Districts.”

Project funding includes $2 million grant funding through the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART Drought Response Program and $4 million in funding through the Department of Water Resources’ Urban and Multibenefit Drought Relief Grant program. “That key funding is important,” said Director Ron Davis, President of the CWD Board of Directors, “it means we are not going to have to ask our ratepayers to pay for the project out of their own pockets”.

The addition of the ASR well to CWD’s portfolio will provide 1,500 gallons per minute (GPM) groundwater production capacity, 750 GPM recharge capacity, and access for up to 1,210 acre-feet of banked groundwater.

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