California Water Legislation Coming Soon
California Water Legislation Coming Soon

DWR releases guidelines for groundwater management

In 2014, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) was established to help local agencies manage their groundwater supply. In September, Senate Bill 13 added amendments to SGMA that requires local water agencies to form groundwater sustainability agencies (GSA) and report that formation to the Department of Water Resources (DWR).

As part of DWR’s management of the GSA’s, DWR must post notices identifying which GSA’s manage specific bodies of water.

In order to be considered an approved GSA by DWR, the GSA must submit the following information:

  • Information that clearly shows the GSA formation notification was submitted to DWR within 30 days of the decision to become or form a GSA.
  • A map and narrative indicating:

o   The local agency’s service area boundaries

o   The boundaries of the basin or portion of the basin the agency intends to manage

o   The other agencies managing or proposing to manage groundwater within the basin. Please include a hard-copy map and GIS shape files.

  • A copy of the resolution forming the new agency.
  • A copy of any new bylaws, ordinances, or new authorities developed by the local agency.
  • A list of the interested parties developed pursuant to Water Code Section 10723.2 and a detailed explanation how the GSA will consider the interests of all beneficial uses and users of groundwater, as well as those responsible for implementing GSPs.

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