Eastern completes new groundwater replenishment facility

Mojave Water Agency begins water delivery to thirsty basin

Earlier this month the Mojave Water Agency began delivering imported water to a storage aquifer near Barstow, bringing welcome relief to the water table that has hit a record low.

The Mojave Water Agency Board of Directors unanimously approved the delivery of 5,000-acre feet of water to the Centro Basin at its April 28 board meeting. The water was transferred from the Agency’s reserve storage account in the San Luis Reservoir via the California Aqueduct, which is part of the State Water Project.

“Recharging basins is part of the Mojave Water Agency’s mission to collaboratively manage groundwater basins sustainably, import water responsibly, and address risks proactively using sound science,” said Mojave Water Agency Board President Jeanette Hayhurst.

With initial delivery flows beginning at 10 cubic feet per second, recharging 5,000 acre-feet of water is expected to take several months. Agency staff will monitor the groundwater recharge effort and adjust the flows as needed for the most efficient delivery.

Currently in an extended multi-year drought, California experienced its driest three months in recent history at the beginning of 2022. Recharging the groundwater is part of the Agency’s Water Shortage Contingency Plan within its Urban Water Management Plan, that was created specifically for dry seasons such as this.

“This water delivery will certainly provide some relief to the Centro Basin, but this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stay vigilant about conserving water,” said Hayhurst. “We should all continue to do our part.”

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