Chino Basin Watermaster Prepares to Celebrate 40th Anniversary Milestone

It was an historic decision when, in 1978, the San Bernardino Superior Court determined water rights for the hundreds of original parties and assigned water users specific rules on pumping water. The decision – known of as the Chino Basin Judgment – also created the Chino Basin Watermaster to administer the Basin’s adjudicated water rights and provide for governance of groundwater resources within the Chino Basin.

It was groundbreaking legal action that impacted the three groups representing agriculture and the state of California; area industries; and local cities, public water districts and private water companies. The Chino Basin Judgment governs one of the largest groundwater basins in Southern California and compels water users to cooperate on issues such as water quality, data monitoring and the amount of groundwater that can safely be extracted, commonly known as operating safe yield.

“Since the beginning of our organization, all parties have worked hand in hand to improve groundwater management in the Chino Basin and ensure the reliability of our region’s most precious resource,” General Manager Peter Kavounas said.  “As we celebrate Watermaster’s 40 successful years, we look forward to the future and meeting the collective and unique needs of the evolving communities we serve.”

The region and the Watermaster clearly have specific needs to address — the population of the Chino Basin is expected to reach nearly 2 million by 2020, contributing to a significantly higher water demand and call for more efficient water use. The organization is currently reevaluating the Basin’s safe yield.  Additionally, they are slated to create a storage management plan to protect the reliability and quality of the region’s water and to assure that the Watermaster is able to meet the region’s water needs for the next four decades.

“As we enter Watermaster’s next 40 years, our vision for continued success is to add value through dedication to responsible groundwater governance and transparency to our stakeholders,” said Board Chairman Robert DiPrimio.  “There are significant issues ahead that require the same collaboration, professionalism and drive that has led us to this milestone.  I join all parties in celebrating our past performance and looking forward to an even better future working together.”

In preparation for the upcoming celebration of the Watermaster’s 40th anniversary, the organization launched a special 40th anniversary emblem showcasing its iconic logo and reflecting its pledge:  Partnerships and Solutions for a Sustainable Future. The upcoming commemorative event in honor of the Chino Basin 40th Judgment Anniversary on Dec. 4, 2018 will be held at 4 p.m. at the Ontario Convention Center. The event is by invitation only and RSVPs are required.

For additional information or to inquire about the Dec. 4 event email: [email protected].

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