Tag Archives: conservation

Drones to be used to detect water leaks

Drones to be used to detect water leaks

Researchers at the Nottingham Trent University School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment, located in the United Kingdom, has developed a new method of detecting leaky pipes. Researchers utilized high and low resolution infrared cameras on a drone to detect the leak. The leak is ultimately detected when the …

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SWRCB issues fines to four water suppliers

Water Waste Fines Coming to California

While the state as a whole conserved more than 26 percent in September, four water agencies were fined for failing to meet their mandated conservation standards. The city of Beverly Hills, city of Indio, city of Redlands and the Coachella Valley Water District are each being fined $61,000 as a …

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How to maximize your water conservation

How to maximize your water conservation

It’s no secret. California is in a severe drought. With no end in sight, all of us are being urged to find new ways of consuming water. Here’s what you can do: Wash full loads. When using your dishwasher or washing machine, make sure your machine is at maximum capacity. …

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The Toro Company receives award for water savings

Toro Receives Award for Water Conservation in CA

The Toro Company was awarded with the 2015 WaterSense Partner of the Year award by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA recognized Toro’s weather-based controllers that are WaterSense-certified for efficiency. Toro’s controllers measure rainfall and soil moisture, which keeps sprinklers from overwatering lawns. “Toro is dedicated to water-saving innovation that …

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State meets water cutbacks for 3rd month in a row

Fresno Water Conservation Kicks Into High Gear

The State Water Resources Control Board announced California’s conservation numbers for the month of August. During August, Californians surpassed Governor Brown’s 25 percent water reduction mandate. As a whole, the state saved almost 27 percent compared to August 2013. The average daily water use for August was 102 residential gallons …

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